Rochester Adams High School
3200 W. Tienken Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48306
Main Office: 248-726-5200
Attendance Office: 248-726-5310
Counseling Office: 248-726-5207
Counseling Office Fax: 248-726-5385
Fax: 248-726-5205
Regular School Day : 7:30am - 2:30pm
Half Day: 7:30am - 10:45am
Luke Swanson - Principal
Susan Demeniuk - Assistant Principal
Andrea Noel - Assistant Principal
Mission Statement: "Through the cooperation of students, parents, staff and community, Rochester Adams High School will prepare our students to acquire knowledge, communicate effectively, and become responsible and respectful individuals ready to meet the challenges of the future."
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School
Adams High School